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Parking situation at GCK race events.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:50 pm
by Adam Bray
I'm just a spectator and fan of any type of racing. I moved out Katy a couple years ago. I have been out to two recent events at GCK. Arrived a bit after starting time, but Im a spectator, not a racer.

Both times, no parking spots. None, zero, nada, zip.

Other cars arriving when I did having the same issue. Not sure what they did, but I left.

Any tips or possible solutions for this other than having to arrive at the crack of dawn? Also seems that once you park, you are blocked in and not going anywhere anytime soon.

Is it like this at every race?

Re: Parking situation at GCK race events.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:50 pm
by Paul Jones
Unfortunately, a side effect of growth is overcrowding. We have posted parking instructions in the past and will do again shortly. There is a tendency to expand to the space available, and as we had lower kart counts early on, habits of taking a lot of space for the pits (and thus less space for car parking) has carried over to the current situation of more racers and not enough space. We have made arrangements for the big regional races to have offsite parking, and in the future, we may be able to use the same for local club races. Until that is solidified, we are restricted to our own area and must use common sense and courtesy when parking. Please use as little space as needed, and park so it is most efficient. Thanks.

Re: Parking situation at GCK race events.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 5:53 pm
by david mckee
You can always find a place to wedge in just talk to the guys around you and leave a number so if it needs to be moved they can find you, most spectators leave before the racers get packed up any ways, and pay attention to the loud speakers they will announce if a car needs moved. We like spectators as they will end up being a racer sooner or later. HOWDY NEIGHBOR!.....................or just follow Scott Boone in he comes just before qualifying and always finds a spot right up front and he's pulling a trailer!